Data Practices & Student Privacy
Following is a list of websites that students in Mr. Cushing's classes will be using during the year.
Quia is a site which allows teachers to create quizzes, puzzles, survey, etc. Students have unique logins for Quia. Quiz has been vetted by Jeffco, and is a secure data site.
Turn-It-In is a student writing submission site. It is used widely in education, and is used by Conifer High School. TII has been vetted by Jeffco, and is a secure data site. Students will have a unique TurnItIn account, and individual logins.
Remind101 is a web-based education texting service. Students and parents can sign up to receive text messages from Mr. Cushing regarding class assignments, and other announcements.
Wufoo is an online form submission site. Students will use Wufoo to submit both assessment retake requests, and to submit the Travel Plan for their History on the Road project. Wufoo does not require students to have an account or to have unique logins.
As the name would indicate, SignUpGenius is a sign-up management and scheduling site. Students will use SignUpGenius if, and when, they need to schedule an assessment make-up or re-do. SignUpGenius does not require students to have an account.
Schoology is is a learning management system for K-12 schools which allows students and teachers to create, manage, and share content and resources. Jeffco has its own Schoology network, which has been vetted by the district. Students do have unique login credentials for Schoology, and their own Schoology accounts.