Potential HOTR Destinations
Below you will find a list of the 120+ approved destinations for History-on-the-Road. The destinations are grouped by what region of Colorado they are in. The booster percentage for each destination is listed to the left of each destination. Click on each destination to go to its own website.
A trip to The Fort in Morrison must be in conjunction with a special event — like the Tesoro Foundation Indian Market & Pow Wow. You cannot go to The Fort simply to eat or walk around the grounds. Such an experience will not give you enough to write about in your report.
Students intending to visit the CU Heritage Center in Boulder should weigh that desire against the fact that Mr. Cushing is a graduate of Colorado State University, and that it would not be beyond Mr. Cushing's sense of ethics to hold such a visit against the student in question. GO RAMS!!! : )
A trip to St. Elmo must include a visit to either the St. Elmo General Store (which has seasonal hours), or the St. Elmo Hotel. Just walking around the old buildings will not give you enough of an experience to write your report.